The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents
Serena Hassan
And her charming and delightful award-winning story for both children and adults in, “The Tap-Dancing Pigeon of Covent Garden,” by Serena Hassan.
From the author, Serena Hassan:
I am an indie author and I wrote the award-winning children’s book The Tap-Dancing Pigeon Of Covent Garden. My book is for little humans aged 3 to 7 years old and creates environment awareness, self-belief, courage, adventure and other positive messages.
When I was a child two of my favourite pastimes were creating posters about how to save the environment and secondly, I loved being in front of the camera. I loved acting and storytelling my favourite children’s books. I spent my Summer days in my local woods, climbing trees and going on country bike rides. I adored being in nature wherever possible.
As the years went by I grew up and started to fear public speaking after not preparing properly for an English oral examination. I would avoid any situation where I had to stand up and speak on my own.
My teenage years I spent writing journals about my life experiences and turning them into poems. I adored writing but at that time, I never thought it would turn into a career.
In 2000 I was in my 20’s, I moved to London and enjoyed life to the full and continued to write my personal journal. I studied graphic design and even did an internship in New York. When the 2008 recession hit I couldn’t find a job and I had to go back to my old job in admin. I felt like I had failed.
Then one day when sitting in Covent Garden feeling tearful, as I ate a soggy tuna sandwich, I spotted a bird frantically flapping its wings, when I took a closer look, I noticed rubbish tangled around its legs. It was frantic, it couldn’t walk. When I approached it with disbelief, it abruptly flew away. In that moment the life story of this troubled pigeon formed in my mind.
I couldn’t wait to jot down my ideas about it. I started to incorporate some of my own passions and feelings from my life experiences into an adventure about a pigeon that gets its legs tangled in plastic pollution.
Nineteen thousand words later, I was ready to show it to a professional. When I received my first detailed critique back, I felt quite disheartened but I knew that criticism was the only way to make something better and evolve. After eight months of editing between marriage and motherhood, I had created a series of picture books about Pigeon’s experiences through London. This was the moment that my first children’s book, The Tap-Dancing Pigeon Of Covent Garden was born.
The next few months were exciting. I was going to see my book in physical form, a creation of my own in print. When I hired a PR agency to help me get noticed, I had no idea that I would need to stand up in front of a whole school and talk. My fear of public speaking took hold. But this was my passion, I wasn’t going to let it stop me!
Breaking out of your comfort zone is key in any new endeavour. What better way than to be interviewed on Sky News Live to talk about how my book creates environmental awareness, self-belief and courage. Moreover, how I believe that children’s books play a key role in a child’s development and understanding of our precious world and life itself.
The next challenge was being interviewed on BBC Radio London and then going into the schools/playgroups. Thanks to ‘pigeon preparation’ and daily positive affirmations, I was ready to take on the world.
I rehearsed every day for six months and turned my trembling mind into a confident interactive storytelling. I have been into many schools and performed in front of 200 children.
It was only until this year, that I have realised that my passions for the environment and love of storytelling would come to fruition once again after my time at primary school. My love of writing has been a far greater passion than being a graphic designer, although I am now using those skills daily as well, so nothing has been lost.
So, The Tap-Dancing Pigeon Of Covent Garden is a combination of my own experience of life and my love of the environment. When I was a child I thought climate change occurred million miles away where the polar bears live; so now I hope my book helps children realise that climate change is happening right on our doorstep and what better way than through the eyes of a pigeon.
This proves that we have the power to change the world with our own individual deeds.
Serena Hassan
I am passionate about teaching children that they are powerful little humans and have a chance to change the world for the better and this all starts with self-belief and knowledge. I am hoping to make a difference through my children’s books by spreading this positive message.
My book is a roller coaster of emotions, anyone of any age can enjoy Pigeon’s journey. They might even come to understand what it is like being a bird, living a life amongst us human’s, and our unpredictable behaviour and sometimes selfish acts.
One of the main thought-provoking messages in my story is that even though it was a selfish human that led to rubbish litter being dropped in the first place, it is a kind human that saves Pigeon in the end. This proves that we have the power to change the world with our own individual deeds. Children are the future and they have a choice and voice to speak out and make a difference.
Ultimately this is a fun comical story about an endearing character, it will touch your heart and make you laugh. This book is for you if you like tap-dancing pigeons, cheeky seagulls, fish ‘n’ chips, ballet, busking opera singers, London’s Covent Garden, the Royal Opera House and if you would like your little human to learn to love their precious world.
Serena, thank you for your fascinating Author’s Leak for The Wordicle! Definitely a book we need in our bookshelf. Please support Serena Hassan by reading her charming and exemplary book.
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The Tap-Dancing Pigeon of Covent Garden is available on Paperback and Kindle (see free preview below). Additionally, it is available at BookDepository. UK buyers can purchase it at Waterstones bookshop.
“I am passionate about teaching children that they are powerful little humans and have a chance to change the world for the better and this all starts with self-belief and knowledge. I am hoping to make a difference through my children’s books by spreading this positive message.”
Serena Hassan
Serena Hassan’s award winning book
Serena Hassan’s award winning children’s book, The Tap-Dancing Pigeon of Covent Garden can be enjoyed by both children and adults. It’s a magnificent read with valuable life lessons that anyone will benefit from. Read it today!
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