The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents
Emily Hagenbaugh
And her captivating dark fantasy book, for fans of heroes and the bizarre, “Cyanide.”
From the author, Emily Hagenbaugh:
“Sometimes a great story comes from a question and maybe a literal fever dream. Cyanide started off as a script. I had never written one and wanted to try my hand at it. I couldn’t find it a suitable home, so I turned it into a novel! I had many difficulties with it, but I love my boy Fox and his wolf.
I have always loved superheroes. My dad had an extensive collection of comic books, and I must’ve read them dozens of times. I grew up watching cartoons and often said to myself that one day, I’ll have my own band of heroes. Stan Lee was my idol and my hero. I hope I’m doing him proud!
While Cyanide isn’t my first superhero published, he is my first anti-hero published! It’s about a boy who’s thrown onto a rollercoaster that seems never ending. Lots of ups and down with some twists and turns thrown in.
In order to escape and improve his life, he unintentionally brings his own anti-hero creation to life. While he escaped from one problem, another comes forward and is twice as deadly as the first.
What I liked about writing this book was it had me writing something I never thought I would. Sure, I said I would have my own band of heroes, but never did I think I would act upon it! Color me surprised! It deals with abuse and unhinged person who he should’ve been able to trust.
The book was hard to write, surprisingly enough. It started out as a much darker story and as a script. The darker story didn’t tell Fox’s, however. The other problem is that Fox is apathetic and I’m not. I’m an Empath and therefore an emotional hot mess.
Stepping into Fox’s shoes had me in tears one moment and laughing with him the next. We do share something though, we’re both pretty sarcastic, especially when it comes to fighting back.
I hope when someone reads it; they find strength within themselves to change and improve their lives if they’re in a situation more or less like Fox, and that inner strength will never fade. I also hope they know they are never alone and they always have someone in their corner, whether it’s an ink beast or someone they deem special to them.
I recommend this if you’re a fan of heroes or just the bizarre. I believe my boy is one of those hidden gems waiting to be discovered and loved by whoever reads it!
Happy reading!”
Emily, thank you very much for your fun and fantastic Author’s Leak. Please support Emily by reading her astonishing book.
We recommend reading on the Kindle Paperwhite; it’s waterproof and perfect for reading or the Apple iPad Air for more power.
Available on Kindle (see preview below ↓).
“I hope when someone reads it; they find strength within themselves to change and improve their lives if they’re in a situation more or less like Fox, and that inner strength will never fade.”
Emily Hagenbaugh
A dark fantasy rollercoaster of an adventure book – Cyanide
Don’t miss out and check it out today! You will not be disappointed. We hope you have enjoyed her marvelous Author’s leak.
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