The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents
Lisa Thomas
And her enthralling and pertinent novel, “Unprecedented Times: Book One.”
From the author, Lisa Thomas:
“I am a mother to three wonderful children and I work as a self-employed content writer. While I love my job, my dream has always been to write a book I can be proud to put my name on. As a child, my biggest hobbies were reading/writing, and playing music, all of which allowed me to escape reality. I had two childhood dreams, to become an author and to write a song that made people happy. But both felt like pipe-dreams, I lacked in confidence and feared failure.
I’ve never had faith in my writing skills or musical abilities, so I never really tried to make either a reality. Then, my daughter told me she wanted to become a singer and asked me if that was something I’d do, I said “no, I’m not brave enough”, she decided she wasn’t brave enough to pursue her dream either. That’s when I realised my lack of confidence was affecting my kids as much as it was me, and that’s when I decided to step out of my comfort zone.
Lisa Thomas’ book Unprecedented Times
I had the idea for my book at the start of January, before the pandemic had actually become a pandemic. I began researching and planning at the start of Feb 2020 and started writing my book at the end of March. I wanted to do more during the pandemic to help, I wanted to volunteer, but being self-employed and having three children (one of which was a new born) as well as being a high-risk person myself, made volunteering almost impossible.
So, I decided to write my book and raise money for a COVID charity through book sales. My way of giving back. The aims of my book wasn’t just to raise money. I also wanted to freeze time, to create something that future generations could read that would make them understand the reality of this pandemic, after all, it’s history in the making. So, I have included lots of facts, figures and research from the pandemic, all true and all referenced.
I also wanted to show future generations how this pandemic has bought the global community together and to remind them of the wonderful things we can achieve together when we don’t let things like race, religion, social class etc. get in the way. When we see each other as equals.
One of the themes in my book is love, in the many forms it comes in, from romantic love to family love, to community love. I wanted to remind people that material possessions and “things”, just aren’t important. What is important is WHO we share those things with, the memories we make with each other.
This book is designed to shock and make my readers question life. Not only what life would have been like if the virus was worse than it is now, but everything else too. But at the same time, it’s designed to make people laugh, to feel the full range of love and to always remember that there is hope. That actually, hope is all we need.
Lisa Thomas’ website
To compliment my book, I also created a website through which I am selling my book. Here, I have started a blog section, with some blogs related to my book, but most related to the pandemic. Looking at topics like were lockdowns enough? What is like to live through a pandemic alone or as a high-risk person, etc. These blogs are designed to support anyone affected by the virus, which (I imagine) is everyone.
They are informative and provide things like hotline numbers for people suffering with mental health. Through these blogs a few people have reached out to me, telling me about their experiences. It has been a privilege to help these individuals, from providing them with support for their mental health issues, to helping them with funding so they can attend their hospital appointments.
It feels so good to be helping and such an honour that people feel comfortable enough to share their experiences with me. Ultimately, all I want to do is help people and make people happy, I hope that I am doing this through my book, fundraising and through my blog and support.
Dedications and honours
I saw how difficult the grieving process has been for people during lock-down. I wanted to dedicate my book to people lost to the virus, but “to all that were lost” seemed too impersonal. We lost PEOPLE, not numbers. So, I have started to collect dedication from the public who have lost someone to COVID, placing these photos and dedications in my book.
In addition, I wanted to honour front-line workers and community workers for their help during the pandemic, therefore, I included an honours section in my book and have started to receive nominations from the public. Dedications to be sent to: dedications@lisathomasauthor.com
Honours to be sent to: honours@lisathomasauthor.com
Unprecedented Times fundraising
25% of ALL book sales go to the “COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO”, see my crowdfunding page here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/unprecedentedtimes
Lisa, thank you so much for your Author’s Leak and the fundraising you’re participating in to support patient care and frontline workers during these unfortunate times; we are in unprecedented times indeed. Please support Lisa and her commendable fundraising efforts by reading her incredible debut novel, Unprecedented Times.
We recommend reading on the Kindle Paperwhite; it’s waterproof and perfect for reading or the Apple iPad Air for more power.
Available on Paperback and Kindle (see preview below ↓). Additionally, she offers her book at a lower price on her website.
I decided to write my book and raise money for a COVID charity through book sales. My way of giving back…I also wanted to freeze time, to create something that future generations could read that would make them understand the reality of this pandemic…
Lisa Thomas
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